We wish to acknowledge and thank everyone for their contribution to this important resource. This Diabetes and Education Information Resource (DEIR) has been produced by an All Wales multi professional Working Group with support and sponsorship from the All Wales Diabetes Improvement Group (AWDIG). Novo Nordisk has provided sponsorship to support with the cost of producing digital and hard copy versions of the DEIR, which includes design, artwork, digital production, printing, translation into Welsh & distribution. Novo Nordisk has also provided project management assistance to the working group to support with the creation of this resource. Novo Nordisk has had no influence over the content of the resource and full editorial control remains with the All Wales Working Group.
This diabetes education and information resource has been produced by an all Wales working group consisting of:
- Diabetes Specialist Nurses
- Dietitians
- Podiatrists
- Diabetic Eye Screening Service
- Psychologist
- Diabetes UK (Cymru)
The working group involved in this project include the following:
- Chris Cottrell
- Julie Moss
- Sally Ann Jones
- Carolyn Thelwell
- Ellie Alcock
- Ceri Jones
- Anwen Mai Jones
- Holly Jones
- Helen Saunders
- Catherine King
- Claire Drake
- Julie Cope
- Josie Griffiths
- Dr Rose Stewart
- Scott Cawley
- STANCE team Cardiff and Vale UHB
- Diabetic foot Network Wales
- Catherine Washbrook-Davies
- All Wales Dietetic Network
- Diabetic Eye Screening Service Wales
- Leanne Jenkins (DUK)
- David Williams (DUK)
- David Thomas (Novo Nordisk)
- Joanne Baker (Novo Nordisk)
This education and information resource has been designed to help enhance knowledge in diabetes.
It also provides educational links and resources to further improve knowledge and skills to hopefully
increase confidence in caring for people living with diabetes.
This is for information only. It does not give the reader scope to act outside of their local guidance
or policies.